Tour Host Diaries with Margie Feuser

Margie is one of EO's first Tour Hosts, taking her first trip to the Holy Land in the summer of 1988. With over 35 scrapbooks (yes, 35!!) full of her memories with EO over the years, she has not only been changed, but she has helped facilitate the changing of so many others' lives by becoming an EO Tour Host.

We recently got the chance to catch up with her and hear more about her story and we are so excited to share some of it with you. Margie, we are so thankful to have you as a part of our EO Family! #50yearsofEO #Jubilee

Delay into Delight

Due to an air traffic controller strike in France and a torrential downpour in Budapest, I literally "missed the boat" (for a river cruise). This gave me 7 hours to kill in Lyon, France. Through a series of wrong turns, I met an Ethiopian college student whose family offered to give me a ride into town and then insisted I spend the day with them in their home. It turns out they go to church with my colleagues. What are the chances? I was a grateful recipient of their generous hospitality! There are no coincidences. At the end of the day, they dropped at the dock, which of course, was 5 miles from their home. As I left, the daughter said, "See, God wanted me to meet you."

Robin Kohl - EO Tour Host

Oberammergau Passion Play Opening Night Experience with Dr. Peter Walker

Dr. Peter Walker is a long-time Guest Speaker for EO, and author of Immersed in the Passion - a book all EO Oberammergau guests will receive. Dr. Walker has been to previous passion plays, and recently attended the opening night of the 2022 Passion Play. Check out this interview to hear his perspective on the play, travel tips, and much more!