Happy Easter! He is Faithful!

Dear Tour Hosts, Guests, and Partners:

Today is Good Friday and Sunday is Easter. How can we not stop to rejoice? Yes, things are chaotic, but these next few days remind me how in control God is. He is not surprised by COVID-19. He is leading one step at a time and reminding me how truly faithful he is.

As I pause this weekend, Iโ€™m reminded how he shows his faithfulness to me. Your texts, emails, and calls to my team and me have been such an encouragement. Thank you โ€“ from the entire EO Tours family!

I want to encourage you in return. Take a moment and look through photos from your trips with us and ponder his faithfulness at every location. Maybe it was the boat ride on the Sea of Galilee as you imagined him calming the storm or the theater at Ephesus as he gave courage to Paul to preach the Gospel. Maybe it was laughter over dinner with new friends while you sailed the Mediterranean or how his light penetrates through all darkness like the colorful sun rays beaming through so many European cathedral windows.

He is faithful!

Best regards,
James Ridgway
President and CEO
Educational Opportunities Tours